Tuesday, December 26, 2017


Adaptation we mean fitting the message to the specific reader.In other word ,adaptation is the process of adapting or making the message or writing according to the recruitment or the level of the reciver of the message.The ability to write clearly depends not your audience only,but also on how much you know about your audience  For writing to be clear it must adopt to the reader.
Reader even in same country dont all have some vocabulary,the same knowledge or subject because of cultural difference this become more serious in cross culture communication l.....
 So we should try to know the person with whom they are communicate & aware of his / her cultural backgraund.                                  

 Basic principles of  Adaptation
1)      Symbol of communication should fit recivers mind: when we do communicate we actually  exchange different symbols in precise form.The symbols we use in communication should fit recivers mind because his/her  mind is full of language & symbol that are shaped by his/ her cultural & level of education .
2)      Filter is the basic for adaptation:The meaning wr give to the symbols we recive are determined by our minds filter. Since every filter is made everything the mind has retained from all the perceptions that we have passed through it,no two are alike.
3)      Good communication adapts to the recivers filter: As the makes up of filter differ, you may adapt your communication to fit tge individual filter or filters concerned. 
4)      The technique of adaptation is a hard work: Adapting your worda & concepts to your reciver will not come autometically to u.we work hard to find out the words,synbol,language & this provess is the best adapt the recivers cboice. 
5)      Adapting begins with visualizing your reciver: In adapting your communication, you should beging by visualizing your reciver.1st off all know about your subject,what their eduvational levels,mentality, & how they think. 

 So this is the basic of adaptation process it helps all over the persons

Selection of words for   adaptation
1)      Use familier words: The 1st rule of word selection is to use familier words.Familier words are everyday words with sharp & clear meaning in mind.It uses for clear meaning to fit your purpose & ypur reader understand them.
2)      2.choose short word:As short words tend to communicate better then ones, you should favour them in your writing.The bottom line is that you should short & familier words
3)      Use strong & powerful words:Like people worda have personality. Some words are strong & powerful wors,some are dull & weak & weqk & others fall in between then extreams.Use of strong words  makes your bussiness writing more powerful.
4)      Use tge concrete words: concrete words are those  which form sharp,clear & specific meaning in the minds of the reades.Specific worda means bank, chair,table this is abastract worda this is fuzzy images in recivers mind.
5)       Avoid camoflaged verbs: Camoflaged verbs that are unnecessarily changed to noun, wbich results in adiction of verbs in a sentence.
6)      Use correct idioms:Idioms is the way we say things in our messege.Much of our idioms has little rhyme or reason but violation will defend the reader.
7)      Avoid sexiest words: Many words in english suggest male dominance.Avoid using them.perhaps the most sexiest worda are the masculine pronouns,when they are used to refer to both sexes. 

   The above mentioned rules should be followed with due importance to ensure effective attractive writing.Writing is an art, we should articulture it as the situational permits

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